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Most Expensive Letter In The World (Surat Termahal se- Jagad)

Written By Unknown on Tuesday, September 9, 2014 | 9:32 PM


Usually we write a letter just use a piece of paper and an envelope whose capital is not more than Rp.5000 , - but have you ever imagined there was a letter for 119 thousand pounds or Rp. 2.3 milyar ? but that's the reality . How can ? because it was written in 1912 on board the Titanic and sold at auction at a price of 119 thousand pounds or Rp. 2.3 milyar , fantastic is not it?
The letter was addressed to the mother Hart , Chadwell Heath which are in East London . Written on white paper ber- cupping ' Above the RMS Titanic ' . The letter including survivors property stored in pocket in a her husband jacket , Benjamin . Benjamin was killed along with approximately 1,500 other such vessel . Hart wrote in the letter that they really enjoyed the trip , though a little seasick and difficult to eat , but Hart wrote a very remarkable journey .
The letter was sold at auction at Henry Aldridge & Son of Devizes in Wiltshire . Actually decision auction at a price of around 101 rbu pounds , plus the cost of others , bringing the total to 119 thousand pounds .
Knickknacks property derived from the Titanic is becoming big business , for example the price of a violin being played there sold 900 thousand pounds or approximately Rp.17 milyar and at the time of the incident menu rewarded 76 thousand pounds, or approximately Rp.1.4 milyar rupiah


Biasanya kita menulis surat hanya menggunakan selembar kertas dan sebuah amplop yang modalnya gak lebih dai Rp.5000,- tapi pernahkah anda membayangkan ada surat seharga 119 ribu poundsterling atau Rp. 2.3 milyar rupiah? tapi iulah kenyataannya. Bagaimana bisa? karna surat ini ditulis pada tahun 1912 diatas kapal Titanicdan terjual dalam lelang dengan harga 119 ribu poundsterling atau Rp. 2.3 milyar, fantastis bukan?
Surat itu ditujukan ke ibu Hart, Chadwell Heath yang berada di London Timur. Dituliskan di kertas putih yang ber- kop 'Diatas RMS Titanic'. Surat tersebut temasuk property yang selamat karna tersimpan dalam kantong jaket milik suaminya Benjamin. Sementara Benjamin sendiri tewas bersama  lebih kuang 1500 orang lainnya dikapal tersebut. Dalam surat tersebut Hart menulis bahwa mereka sangat menkmati perjalanan, meskipun sedikit mabuk laut dan sulit makan, namun Hart menulisnya sebagai perjalanan yang sangat luar biasa.
Surat tersebut terjual dalam lelang di Henry Aldridge & Son of  Devizes di Wiltshire. Sebenarnya keputusan lelang diharga sekitar 101 rbu poundsterling, ditambah dengan biaya lain lain sehingga total menjadi 119 ribu poundsterling.
Pernak pernik property yang berasal dari kapal Titanic memang mejadi bisnis besar, misalnya harga dari sebuah biola yang dimainkn disana terjual 900 ribu poundsterling atau sekitar Rp.17 milyar rupiah dan menu pada saat kejadian dihargai 76 ribu poundsterling atau sekitar 1.4 milyar rupiah.

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