Tahukah anda negara negara mana saja yang menggunakan bahasa jawa? Berikut ini negara negara tersebut :
Is a country located in South America which is a former Dutch colony like Indonesia . In Suriname lived approximately 85000 people of Javanese descent , and taken there from Java between 1890 until 1939. Because many descendants of Javanese Islamic religion , then Suriname is one of the countries included in the Organization of the Islamic Conference .
Is a country located in South America which is a former Dutch colony like Indonesia . In Suriname lived approximately 85000 people of Javanese descent , and taken there from Java between 1890 until 1939. Because many descendants of Javanese Islamic religion , then Suriname is one of the countries included in the Organization of the Islamic Conference .
Adalah sebuah negara yang berada di Amerika Selatan yang merupakan negara bekas jajahan Belanda sama seperti kita. Di Suriname tinggal lebih kurang 85000 orang keturunan Jawa, dan dibawa kesana dari jawa antara tahun 1890 sampai 1939. Karena banyak keturunan jawa yang beragama islam, maka Suriname merupakan salah satu negara yang termasuk dalam Organisas Konferensi Islam.
Kaledonia Baru
The country is located in the Pacific Ocean south . This state is called kanaki also refer to the natives of the islands. The country is under the French protectorate . In the Pacific Ocean there are two countries which constitute the French protectorate , in addition to New Caledonia is another French Polynesia until 1998 .
The area is mostly inhabited by tribes of Java , Java people move to the Pacific stalled in 1949. The population of New Caledonia approximately 300,000 inhabitants . The Javanese in New Caledonia still using the Java language in daily activities , but not for the younger generation who already speak French average .
The country is located in the Pacific Ocean south . This state is called kanaki also refer to the natives of the islands. The country is under the French protectorate . In the Pacific Ocean there are two countries which constitute the French protectorate , in addition to New Caledonia is another French Polynesia until 1998 .
The area is mostly inhabited by tribes of Java , Java people move to the Pacific stalled in 1949. The population of New Caledonia approximately 300,000 inhabitants . The Javanese in New Caledonia still using the Java language in daily activities , but not for the younger generation who already speak French average .
Negara ini teletak di Samudra Pasific tepatnya Samudra Pasific sebelah selatan. Negara ini disebut juga Kanaki merujuk pada penduduk asli keplauan tersebut. Negara ini dibawah protektorat Prancis. Di Samudra Pasific ada dua negara yang merupakan protektorat Prancis, selain kaledonia Baru satu lagi adalah Polinesia Prancis hingga tahun 1998.
Daerah ini sebagian dihuni oleh suku jawa, kepindahan orang jawa ke Pasific terhenti pada tahun 1949.Jumlah penduduk Kaledonia Baru lebih kurang 300.000 jiwa. Orang orang Jawa di Kaledonia Baru masih menggunakan bahasa jawa dalam kegiatan sehari hari, namun tidak untuk generasi mudanya yang rata rata sudah berbahasa Prancis.
Of course a lot of people of Javanese descent in the Netherlands . Because the colonial era a lot of Dutch colonial sent slaves to the country . In the Netherlands today many Europeans who learn about Java and Java Literature . Example Leiden University , The University was founded in 1575. At this place a lot of manuscript codex with Java script .
Of course a lot of people of Javanese descent in the Netherlands . Because the colonial era a lot of Dutch colonial sent slaves to the country . In the Netherlands today many Europeans who learn about Java and Java Literature . Example Leiden University , The University was founded in 1575. At this place a lot of manuscript codex with Java script .
Sudah tentu banyak sekali orang keturunan Jawa di Belanda. Karna pada zaman penjajahan dulu banyak sekali kolonial Belanda mengirim budak ke negaranya. Di negara Belanda saat ini banyak orang orang eropa yang belajar mengenai Jawa dan Sastra Jawa. Universitas Leiden contohnya, Universitas ini didirikan pada tahun 1575. Di tempat ini banyak sekali naskah naskah kuno dengan aksara Jawa.
Javanese people come to Malaysia in 1900. Those people Javanese descent in Malaysia today may have been the third or fourth generation , and has been regarded as indigenous Malay people who have the same legal position with the native Malay Malaysia . They live in the land of many Selangor , Kuala Selangor , Sabak Bernam , Banting , Sepang , Kelang . Johor region is also quite a lot . They are still a bit much defend Javanese culture , therefore frequent friction between the Indonesian and Malaysian culture , such as dance Klam Reok , sesingaan , angklung , gamelan etc . For officials and leaders of Malaysia , many are descendants of Java , for example, just now the Malaysian defense minister are descendants of Yogyakarta ( Java )
Javanese people come to Malaysia in 1900. Those people Javanese descent in Malaysia today may have been the third or fourth generation , and has been regarded as indigenous Malay people who have the same legal position with the native Malay Malaysia . They live in the land of many Selangor , Kuala Selangor , Sabak Bernam , Banting , Sepang , Kelang . Johor region is also quite a lot . They are still a bit much defend Javanese culture , therefore frequent friction between the Indonesian and Malaysian culture , such as dance Klam Reok , sesingaan , angklung , gamelan etc . For officials and leaders of Malaysia , many are descendants of Java , for example, just now the Malaysian defense minister are descendants of Yogyakarta ( Java )
Orang orang jaw adatang ke Malaysia sekitar tahun 1900. Orang orang keturunan jawa di Malaysia saat ini mungkin sudah nerupakan generasi ketiga atau keempat, dan sudah dianggap sebagai warga melayu pribumi yang mempunyai kedudukan hukum yang sama dengan pribumi melayu malaysia. Yang banyak tinggal di Negeri Selangor, Kuala Selangor, Sabak Bernam, Banting, Sepang, Kelang. Wilayah Johor juga cukup banyak. Mereka masih sedikit banyak mempertahankan budaya jawanya, oleh karena itu sering terjadi gesekan budaya antara kita dan Malaysia, seperti klam tari reok, sesingan, angklung, gamelan dsb. Untuk pejabat dan tokoh Malaysiapun, banyak yang merupakan keturunan dari jawa, contohnya saja mentri pertahanan malaysia sekarang yang masih merupakan keturunan orang yogyakarta.
Most people in Singapore Javanese descent came from Central Java . They were brought to Singapore since 1825. Usually they are employed as agricultural laborers , railroad and highway construction . Place their first settlement in Singapore are Javanese village on the edge of the river Rochor . In addition , the wellknown settlements where they live are Kallang Airport Estate .
Kebanyakan orang keturunan jawa di Singapura berasal dari jawa tengah. Mereka didatangkan ke Singapura sejak tahun 1825. Biasanya mereka dipekerjakan sebagai buruh diperkebunan, jalur kereta api dan konstruksi jalan raya. Tempat pemukiman pertama orang jawa di Singapura adalah kampung jawa ditepi sungai Rochor. Selain itu yang cukup terkenal adalah Kallang Airport Estate.
In addition to the above countries , of course, in the archipelago itself pretty much of the territory that uses the Java language such as ; several places in Sumatra , such as northern Sumatra , Riau , Batam , some regions Jambi , Palembang to Lampung region , and some parts of Banten , Serang , Serang district , the city of Cilegon , Tangerang regency , West Java region , especially northern coastal area of West Java , from Krawang to Cirebon and of course the region central Java and east Java itself , as well as the eastern part of Indonesia there are also some areas that are still using the Java language .
Selain negara negara diatas, tentu saja di nusantara sendiri yang cukup banyak wilayah wilayah yang menggunakan bahasa jawa seperti; beberapa tempat di sumatra, seperti sumatra utara, Riau, Batam, beberapa wilayah jambi, wilayah Palembang hingga lampung, lalu beberapa bagian Banten, kota Serang, kabupaten Serang, koa Cilegon, kabupaten Tangerang, wilayah jawa barat terutama dipesisir utara jawa barat dari Keraweang hingga Cirebondan tentu saja wilayah jawa tengah dan jawa timur sendiri, begitu juga dibelahan timur wilayah Indonesia ada uga beberapa daerah yang masih sedikit menggunakn bahasa jawa.
Most people in Singapore Javanese descent came from Central Java . They were brought to Singapore since 1825. Usually they are employed as agricultural laborers , railroad and highway construction . Place their first settlement in Singapore are Javanese village on the edge of the river Rochor . In addition , the wellknown settlements where they live are Kallang Airport Estate .
Kebanyakan orang keturunan jawa di Singapura berasal dari jawa tengah. Mereka didatangkan ke Singapura sejak tahun 1825. Biasanya mereka dipekerjakan sebagai buruh diperkebunan, jalur kereta api dan konstruksi jalan raya. Tempat pemukiman pertama orang jawa di Singapura adalah kampung jawa ditepi sungai Rochor. Selain itu yang cukup terkenal adalah Kallang Airport Estate.
In addition to the above countries , of course, in the archipelago itself pretty much of the territory that uses the Java language such as ; several places in Sumatra , such as northern Sumatra , Riau , Batam , some regions Jambi , Palembang to Lampung region , and some parts of Banten , Serang , Serang district , the city of Cilegon , Tangerang regency , West Java region , especially northern coastal area of West Java , from Krawang to Cirebon and of course the region central Java and east Java itself , as well as the eastern part of Indonesia there are also some areas that are still using the Java language .
Selain negara negara diatas, tentu saja di nusantara sendiri yang cukup banyak wilayah wilayah yang menggunakan bahasa jawa seperti; beberapa tempat di sumatra, seperti sumatra utara, Riau, Batam, beberapa wilayah jambi, wilayah Palembang hingga lampung, lalu beberapa bagian Banten, kota Serang, kabupaten Serang, koa Cilegon, kabupaten Tangerang, wilayah jawa barat terutama dipesisir utara jawa barat dari Keraweang hingga Cirebondan tentu saja wilayah jawa tengah dan jawa timur sendiri, begitu juga dibelahan timur wilayah Indonesia ada uga beberapa daerah yang masih sedikit menggunakn bahasa jawa.
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