Have you passed the bridge that is lost as the picture above ?. Surely we will turn back if we find a bridge like that . But wait , the bridge was not disconnected , this is only an optical illusion . So the bridge was cut off because their optical illusion , but the bridge itself can be bypassed safety. This bridge name Storseisundet Bridge , from the name of the bridge is not located in Garut or other locations in Indonesia . The bridge is located on the west coast of Norway precisely in Atlantic Road . This bridge has a length of 230 meters with a stretch of 130 meters and a height seanjang 23 meters was built in 2005 .
Pernahkah anda melewati jembatan yang terputus seperti gambar diatas?. Tentunya kita akan berputar balik juka menemukan jembatan seperti itu. Tapi tunggu dulu, jembatan tersebut sebenarnya tidak terputus, ini hanya llusi optik. Jadi jembatan itu terputus karna adanya illiusi optik, tapi jmbatannya sendiri bisa dilewati aman aman saja. Jembatan ini namanya Storseisundet Bridge, dari namanya tentu jembatan ini bukan berada di garut atau lokasi lain di Indoinesia. Jembatan ini terletak di pesisir barat Norwegia tepatnya di Atlantic Road. Jembatan ini mempunyai panjang 230 meter dengan bentangan seanjang 130 meter dan ketinggian 23 meter dibangun pada tahun 2005.
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