It started when Deepak Jangra was doing repairs to heating water belonging to her mother. He acknowledged the first is afraid of electricity but after his mother's water heater repair, Deepak can touch the cable with the flow of electricity without being stung. Until at last he also began practicing siphon electricity from 110 volts to 11 thousand volts.
It's a talent from God. I feel very privileged to have abilities that others do not have, said Deepak. I don't want to waste this gift of God.
To know its ability to siphon electricity 11 thousand volts, this young man also got into electric poles in his village and try to hold the cable with high-voltage flow. Currently, Deepak could withstand the amount of voltage to power 500 homes. He also can flow electricity to the tub of water and hold it without any pain.
The citizens of hysterical and think I want to commit suicide when I put a hand into a tub of water which is electrified. In fact not happen anything, he said. I hold the power and all is fine.
According to the original electrical engineer city of Delhi, Gaurav Singh, a power that holds 11 thousand volts have been extremely fatal. Even standing at a distance of five mtr. It can stun and stricken burned to dead
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