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Name Of Eccentric Village In Indonesia (Nama Desa Nyeleneh Di Indonesia)

Written By Unknown on Friday, October 10, 2014 | 8:22 PM

Perhaps many locations in the area in Indonesia whose name is rather eccentric , following them .

Mungkin banyak nama nama lokasi di daerah di Indonesia yang nama namanya rada nyeleneh, berikut diantaranya.

Desa Kandang Sapi (Village Cage Cattle) 

Maybe we got a bit trouble if we stay here, especially if you get acquainted with the girl if she asked " Where do you stay ?"
Mungkin agak repot juga kalo kita tinggal disini, apalagi jika berkenalan dengan cewek, kalo ditanya "rumah kamu dimana?" 

Dusun Koplak (Hamlet Koplak)

Koplak is the word of the Java language , which means committing silly / stupid . Could that make the name of this village "koplak' or the people who live there " koplak " ?

Koplak adalah kata dari bahasa jawa yang artinya melakukan perbuatan konyol/belo'on/bodoh. Mungkinkah yang membuat nama dusun ini "koplak" atau orang orang yang tinggal disana "koplak" ?

Desa Pocong (Pocong Village)

Indonesian people already know what pocong is , if you have not know , pocong is a kind of ghost who likes to jump . Could it be that many ghost in this village ?

Orang Indonesia pasti sudah tau apa itu pocong, kalo belom tau pocong adalah sejenis hantu yang suka loncat loncat. Mungkinkah di desa tersebut banyak pocongnya?

Desa Kebocoran (Leakage Village)

Perhaps the name of this village is quite eccentric , whatever that means . If you pass this villages in Banyumas , Central Java will certainly thingking in the head , what was meant by the leak.

Mungkin nama desa ini cukup nyeleneh, entah apa maksudnya. Kalau ada yang melintas di desa yang berada di Banyumas Jawa Tengah pasti akan terngiang di kepalanya, apa maksud kebocoran tersebut.

Desa Bokong (Ass Village)

The village is located in the province of NTT, particularly in the district of South Central Timor . Perhaps the ass have a good meaning in there , who knows ?

Desa ini terletak di provinsi NTT, tepatnya di kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan. Mungkin disana bokong mempunyai arti yang baik, siapa tau?

Nagari Sulit Air (No Water Village)
Village with no water ( meaning hard to get water ) located in the province West Sumatra . This village is endowed with abundant water and fertile soil .

Nagari/desa sulit air terletak di prov. Sumatra Barat. Tetapi jangan salah, desa ini diberkahi dengan air yang berlimpah dan tanah yang subur.

Dusun Setan (Satan Hamlet)

From the name itself is really creepy village . Perhaps the people there believe in the adage ' name is nothing'

Dari namanya sendiri dusun ini benar benar menyeramkan. Mungkin masyarakat disana percaya dengan pepatah 'apalah arti sebuah nama'.

Maybe friends know more eccentric location , please share .
Demikian sekilas info desa nyeleneh, mungkin teman teman tau lokasi nyeleneh lainnya?, silahkan sharing.

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